Assignment Samples of Major Courses
AIT-580 Analytics: Big Data to Information
Final Project: In this individual project, I selected Health Nutrition and Population Statistics database provided by the World Bank to extract valuable information to describe relationships between HIV/AIDS and social characteristics, such as labor force, urban population, gross national income per capita, etc. Moreover, this project enhanced my understanding of the knowledge in the class, like data cleaning, data exploration, visualization, regression analysis, correlation analysis, etc.
Assignment Files: ProjectPaper.pdf, ProjectSummary.pdf
CS 504 Principles of Data Management and Mining
Assignment: This individual assignment is required to design a conceptual schema using the (E)ER data model, incorporating this schema into an RDBMS and running queries on this database. Through the assignment, I had a comprehensive understanding of data management through SQL.
Assignment File: Homework1.pdf
STAT 515: Applied Statistics & Visualization for Analytics
Midterm Project: This group project is required to use R language to redesign several bad graphs based on the four principles of data visualization that taught in class, including enabling accurate comparisons, simplifying appearance, providing or increasing context to support interpretation or to facilitate hypothesis generation, and attracting and engaging the reader/analyst. Through the project, not only did I learn how to use R to visualize data, but also I had a comprehensive understanding of the four principles.
Assignment Files: Midterm Paper.pdf, MidtermPresentation.pdf